LNG and LPG Cryogenic Camera for Debris Removal

Removal of failed PTFE o-ring from pump column using NCS special tooling and cryogenic camera.

Removal of failed PTFE o-ring from pump column using NCS special tooling and cryogenic camera.

Niche Cryogenic Solutions has used their cryogenic camera to locate and remove debris within LNG tanks multiple times.

Depending on the size, material, and client’s needs debris has been back-flushed into the tank or removed through the use of custom designed tooling designed and manufactured by NCS. We have staff with extensive knowledge, experience, and proven results when it comes to debris removal from LNG tanks. If your plant or client has experienced catastrophic pump failure, a dropped part, or gasket, please contact NCS for proven expertise and help.

For complete specifications of the cryogenic camera, rates and services, please contact us.